Tag Archives: male lesbian


10394125_898415226877368_4196526991840124496_nIs this even a graph? Well, since they believe that all they need to do to be a woman is to say they are then I guess this applies to graphs as well.


Here’s a dose of reality for ya…


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A True LGBT Positive Role Model

What more is there to say about Sarah Brown? I’ll just let him speak for himself…



Aunty29just lol auntyaunty lesbian1auntysawomanlolauntysballsaunty fake lesbianAunty32Aunty30

Who better to be a positive role model than an openly misogynistic, lesbian appropriating male who spews out violent rhetoric, telling women to suck his nuts. But this isn’t misogyny right? This isn’t deep–seated hatred of women cause he says he’s one. And you know just saying you’re a woman magically makes it so! Actually he is the perfect role model for male entitlement and privilege. Just look at him pretend to be a victim while attacking women who stood up to his vile misogyny. He keeps pretending that everyone should just forget what he wrote 5 years ago because “it’s the past.” Well why doesn’t he forget what Julie Bindel wrote 5 years ago? That’s in the past too right? Why are trans activists hounding women who have performed at Mich Fest in the past and demanding them to apologize for it? Why are feminists, like Gloria Steinem, being forced to apologize for shit they’ve said in the past? (and I’m talking about shit they’ve said in the 70’s) There is no statue of limitations when it comes to women and apologies. Women will always be demanded and expected to apologize for every infraction or misdeed, not matter how long the event occurred.  Trans activists, such as Brown, excuse themselves  from their vile misogyny by blaming others pretending that the passage of time is so great that  their misogyny doesn’t matter anymore or that they are the true victim of some perceived slight, there for justified in their actions.

aunty entitled

aunty empathy aunty evil aunty5andahalf aunty priv

That’s the most honest thing he’s ever wrote. Yes, it is privilege.  It’s his white male privilege that allowed him to think writing this was acceptable.

Now, there is a point to all of this, and that’s that there is no word in the English language, that I am aware of, for the smegma-like mixture of dead skin cells, gynaecological lube, stale urine (gives it its distinctive smell) and sweat that is sometimes present as a white residue on the end of a dilation stent when a post-operative trans woman withdraws the stent after dilating her neovagina.

I propose rectifying this linguistic oversight. I propose naming this mixture, “bindel”.

It’s his continued privilege and entitlement to excuse himself by saying ” That was 5 or  5.5 or 6, years ago!” Notice he never actually apologizes, even though he demands constant apologies from everyone else. It’s privilege that allows him to continue to harass Bindel after all this time, but still play the victim. On his livejournal alone ( which he still updates with his new blogs) she has been referenced nearly 300 times.



It’s privilege that allows him to tweet at women (many of whom are real lesbians and/or victims of sexual abuse)  to “suck his balls” and that they are “cock obsessed” because they know that a penis is male and it can harm and impregnate them against their will.  It’s privilege that he has never grown up with the constant fear of rape. It’s privilege that he openly mocks our fear of being raped by men. It’s privilege that he’s appropriated the term lesbian. It’s privilege that he’s allowed to refer to a surgically created hole as a “vagina.” It’s privilege that he can be openly hostile to women and still be a politician. It’s privilege that no one will call this out for fear of being called a “transphobe”, “transmisoginistic” or “cis sexist.”  All of this is real, palpable privilege that these men have over the so called “privileged cis woman.” It’s privilege that allows him to turn any critique of his behavior and turn it into ” they just want to fuck me.” It’s also privielge that will allow him to scoff at this and cry victimhood or gas-lighting or some such bullshit. Oh Sarah Brown…you may have had your dick removed, but you’re still one at heart.

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Thoughts of the Male Lesbian

Stumbled upon this Facebook page today and thought I’d share.

male tom boys

Male Tomboy wouldn’t be the correct term for this type of fuckery seeing as though tomboy is a highly gendered designation of girls who like to play and get dirty. Really has nothing to do with gender at all. Just being a damn kid. And a tomboy sure as hell wouldn’t be wearing makeup. So maybe sissy boy is the term they should go with since the patriarchy wants to women to smear chemical sludge on their faces and degrades anything that’s considered feminine.


Of course the first post is shitting on National Women’s Day in favor of something more manly



3 2

Does that mean he’s the elusive “two spirited tranny.” I wonder if a bee sting or male baldness meds sent him over into male dykedom? Or maybe it was just listening to Eddie Izzard on loop. *shrugs*

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